Tuesday, November 28, 2006
okay last one for today. i still need more....boo! but for the mean while this will do.****(before reading: the topic was to write three words that describe me and why)crazy, stressed, and sleepycrazy: because i'm naturally crazy, anyone that knows me knows well that i'm crazy. well more like crazy psychotic or crazy lunatic or my favorite- crazy cat lady! stressed: because of all the work that i have to do and how i don't get a break. finally sleepy: since i have so much work to do i don't break. that means no break for sleep. yay! sleep deprived! its actually to the point were i can manage my day with the minimum of 3 hours of sleep. i have magical powers!(after reading: as you can tell by the writing, the sleep deprivation had me writing pointlessly.)*side note: i wrote this a while back. sadly those word still describe me up to date. but now stress is higher and sleep is less and the crazy level reached insane)