Sunday, November 26, 2006
people are stupid.that includes me of course but don't get offended. understand were i'm coming the course of two weeks, 4 people that i know have been in car accidents. all in different cars, but not at the same time. one of the accidents happend because the other driver did not yield at a stop sign. one was because of a drunk driver. the other two were because the other drivers were on a cell phone calls. yeah we share the road so we need to care for others as well as ourself. if you are gonna be stupid why get on the road? yeah stupid people. kids are in danger. unless its that kid who was learning to drive and crashed with my friend. the idiot was not sure of what insurance was. my friend is fine but there shouldn't be a need for worring. wow i really complain a lot. but who can blame me? actually i can blame everyone. well not really.