Tuesday, September 05, 2006
 This week is minerpalooza and the first home game.I'm not the type of person who goes out and cheers. So its very surprising to me that I'm actually excited. And I'm not the only one excited. Most of my friends are. I think its because I finally have school spirit. But I can't tell how school spirit feels like because in high school I could have probably cared less. Well what ever it is, I'm very excited. Also for those of you going please stop by the wedding booth. I know it sound pointless but go get married and support that organization.
I'm getting used to being on the computer everyday. This is actually something I hate to do. I see some of the other blogs and I'm surprised at all the pictures and music and stuff. I'm finally know how to get pictures on this thing and some people have videos. Makes me feel stupid. As you can tell I have ran out of things to say. (the picture takes up some space)