Sunday, November 26, 2006
so its been really crummy so far. utep lost meaning that i don't get to go out of town this month. boo! this also means that i'm stuck with my family. double boo! also its really cold. i need a jacket, but not once of those big ones that get in the way or once of those corny ones with faux fur. yeah. i know i need to write more but nothing seems to come to me. lately i have been in a semi-comma state. i don't remember much and i haven't done much. maybe its because the football season is over. i really am gonna miss marching band. i know that its for like half a year before it starts again but its so much fun. too bad utep had to lose. anyway, i have to start getting ready for concert season. i know i won't do much specially since i'm not a music major but i just wanted to try it. at least once. talking of trying things, im trying out for drum major. thats right....drum major! for those of you who don't know frost, he's the white guy that conducts the band. well in high school he trained me to be a drum major. and not surprisingly he's willing to do it again. so i think i have some sort of chance, but i know there are the older kids (those who have been in band for three years or so) and the much older kids (those who have been in band for 5 or more years) who have a better chance than me. but as i said, i wanna try. well, i'm not that great with these blog thingys. so if things don't make sence then don't worry. some things are in code and even then they are stupid. so yeah. don't understand, just read.