Thursday, September 28, 2006
how many of you guys are actually doing this stupid blog thingy? i feel like im the only one but if i procrastinate i will never make it
back to my complaining.....
i spent alot of money on books that i do not use. i mean just carry around and do nothing with them. they are taking up space in my room, my car, my locker, and my backpack. so i want to get rid of them and make space for more important coffee.
another thing i want to get rid of is the sun. have you seen me lately? talk about eww! im so burned im now called toasty. and all this burning comes from me being at the sun bowl like everyday and tanning. its not me having an obsestion over tanning beds. well the sun is frying me up and theres no way i can avoid it. only if i stop going to class but i really like class (yes, i know, i'm such a band nerd!)
something i noticed ever since my first day here is that many people walk out of class with a cigerette in their mouths and moments before they even step out the building they are already lighting it and smoking. well i drink and party like crazy, but something i disapprove of is smoking. its gross and uncool (contrary to popular believe). and what really gets to me is that these stupid smokers puff their smoke everywere letting it go to everyone around them. i dont know about you but i hate smelling like smoke, specially since i dont smoke. =(
lastly, well for this blog, is the drama. leave the drama for your mama! yeah we are at a point were you would think that people will get on with their lives and stop talking bad about one another. but no! there are still immature jerks that insist on talking bad. so what you weren't popular in high school and therefore you talked bad about those who had friends. now in college you want to be the center of attention by talking about other's business. yeah, trash talkers: FIND A LIFE AND STICK WITH IT!!!
well this concludes another chapter of kitty's complains. until next time.
Monday, September 18, 2006
I want to get rid of....
- the mile walks just to get to campus
- writing essays for all my classes
- carrying around books that I do not use
- the sun!
- smokers that do not care were there nasty smoke ends up
- the very sad drama that people pointlessly still create
- this blog thingy
- the uneven tan that I have after going to band class
So as you can see, everything seems to bug now a days. But I do make some good points. Like walking. I don't mind all the walking, but what gets to me is the parking situation. The silver zone areas have like 4 cars and lots of empty parking spaces. Yet no one can park in there. And those people who have the other colored areas are stuck fighting for parking that is decent. And this decent parking is like a mile away from campus or a mile away from a metro stop place. Don't you think that by now this whole parking situation would be fixed....But no! We're all stuck fighting for parking and creating hostile situations to those around us. By the way things are going we are stuck fighting until like next year. And writing. I don't mind it because I actually like writing. But there's just too much of it. And what really gets to me is that some of the topics that we have to write about are senseless and lead to no were. Most of the topics you can respond in less than a sentence but these teachers want us to respond in 6 paragraphs. Are they stupid or just plain evil? What ever the case is they need to be a bit more considerate when it comes to essay topics. I'm tired of typing so I'll continue my complaining on another blog.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Well those who went to the game on saturday understand how I feel. UTEP was so close to beatting Texas Tech. But they had to screw up! AH! I lost my voice from yelling so much that I'm just gonna stop complaining now. But really, the game was so close. Well at least the rest of the season looks good, and I'm going for the ride.
Although UTEP sadly lost, the night was not a total bummer. The band had a great performance, although most of us thought we wouldn't since we were blowing chunks on most of the music. And I had a great 1st performance, despite the fact that my pants ripped just as we were going to the Sun Bowl. Actually it was funny. Oh, and I got to play the tenor sax that night. Well, it was for the third quarter only but it brought back some memories. And the trade off helped the owner of the sax remember some of the fingerings.
Next game is in two weeks. I have two weeks to learn a completely different half-time show and to prepare to go out of town. Yes people the band also travels with the team. Get ready for New Mexico!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
 This week is minerpalooza and the first home game.I'm not the type of person who goes out and cheers. So its very surprising to me that I'm actually excited. And I'm not the only one excited. Most of my friends are. I think its because I finally have school spirit. But I can't tell how school spirit feels like because in high school I could have probably cared less. Well what ever it is, I'm very excited. Also for those of you going please stop by the wedding booth. I know it sound pointless but go get married and support that organization.
I'm getting used to being on the computer everyday. This is actually something I hate to do. I see some of the other blogs and I'm surprised at all the pictures and music and stuff. I'm finally know how to get pictures on this thing and some people have videos. Makes me feel stupid. As you can tell I have ran out of things to say. (the picture takes up some space)