Sunday, December 03, 2006
yay! lets all celebrate that i'm done. well not completely. not until i finish this blog. well all i have to say that this thing has made me realize that i have nothing to say other than the stupid things that i do everyday, i complain too much and also that i'm such a band geek. but i couldn't see myself any other way. well i do. i want to be a physical therapist. so i can see myself as a doctor. speaking of that i have changed one of my majors. i wanted to do kinesiology but now i have changed it to health promotion. i will be teaching about health before being a physical therapist. boo to teaching! but kinesiology was a bit to long. i had to do a 16 hour semester of sports and a one extra semester of math. i don't mind the sports but i was not going to be a water girl or a towel washer. and math, as i said i'm not good with math and that's why some genius person invented the calculator. sooner or later i'm gonna leave band, but for the mean while i will enjoy the little time i have in it. it really makes me sad, but i have seen my future and i want to stick to what i have planned. i know that plans really never go as planned but this is a plan that i want to follow. even if i have to let go something i really love. well i guess i'm done. there are no more words to say.

so to continue the story from the past post, all the drum majors kissed ass. they would always be nice to the band director and would buy him things and everything. so when i was picked to be drum major everyone was shocked. that was because i was really rude to the director. i was probably the only one that talked back, said profanity, showed up late and was not a good influence to the band. but i was still there and it was because i was ment to have the job. unlike everyone else that was there because of the kissing ass and the bribes. yeah. the memories. anyway i need to help tiana and i need help too. its the blind leading the blind. ha! thats funny. also i need to find someone with the study guide to the history final. i think i know who has one but knowing porf he will say no. he's a nerd like that. nerd. i would go ask the teacher for one but he'd probably get mad because he will know that i haven't been showing up to class. specially since there have been times were i just get up and leave. lots of time. well i'll leave this by saying one more left and procrastination does work. you just have to know the limit to how much time you can waste and what the work is.

yay! i will say this again. i'm almost done. i told ya'll that procrastination works. well i think its because of my special talent which is i don't know but i'll tell you when i find out. i never have taught of what my special talent is. i think it might have to do with music. i spend so much time in band and i'm very dedicated to it. i think it might be music. and as i said i'm not sure, i'll tell you when i find out. speaking of band i need to start preparing for this drum major thing. i probably will leave it to last minute (like everything else) but i also have to train tiana. she's still in high school. she want to tryout in her school and she asked me if i can help her. i said yes (according to her) and now i have to help her. she was telling me that everyone and their mom wants to tryout so she really wants that help. and since i was a drum major there, she want to learn from a past drum major. i don't blame her, i was good. well not really but the thing about me is that i was the only drum major to make it without having to kiss ass. the past drum majors did, even my partner.

a new day starts and instead of relaxing like everyone else i'm stuck doing this. well i have had an interesting day. i can't say much about it since it all the drama that is going on. and although no one is reading this i still don't want anyone to know all the stupidity. well anyway my sister is babysitting her best friend's baby. i like that little kid but the crying never stops. ah! i think i'm gonna start crying too. i wonder if he was affected by the wiggles tragedy too? maybe that's why all the crying is coming from. now to continue my complaining from last time. so i think anyone had noticed but its cold outside. and i hate it because its cold then warm then windy then its snowing then its back to cold and then cold with wind and then warm. i know el paso has some weird weather but this is crazy. i know i'm gonna get sick with all this climate changes. great. i just recovered from a month of illness now to get sick again? i don't want to be sick. specially around this time because of all the parties. new years eve is around and i can't be sick for that. no way! i need to start taking vitamins or something.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
four more postings! wow i'm so close yet i'm so tired. so i was watching the news during my little break from the blog. the news has become depressing to watch. there are so many accidents and murders and violence that i think the news should be censored. hell they censor all the good stuff, why not the news? ah, it really doesn't matter to me. i'm so violent that i should be censored. i'd like to see the day when that happens. i could just imagine it now. these government people come and put this huge censor bar on me. that'd be funny. i know for sure i wouldn't be the only one with a censor bar. more than half of the population would have one. and those without one are the soccer moms that mind other people's business and ruin the good things for the rest of us. stupid soccer moms. they should worry about the strange coach than to worry about the things that their children enjoy. well i know i said i was gonna do the last three tomorrow but i'm gonna call it quits...for today. i wish for the entire thing but my grade depends on this and therefore i shall continue, tomorrow.

yay! five more and i'm done with this. okay so i'm tired. now i have lost it. i can't think of anything. well i can think when it comes to complaining. so i might as well do that. i will start with my back. it still hurts. and the pain killers all they do is sleep me. yes i can't feel the pain when i sleep but when i wake up it feels worse. so i'm having back pains and i don't know how to get rid of it. next thing to complain about is my tan. i have been complaining about it since band camp. usually i don't get such a bad tan during band camp but this year it was bad. its so uneven and i wasn't gonna pull a golddigger and wear small shirts. first they don't look good when some of the girls wear those shirts and they have flab going everywhere. and second if i make fun of those girls there is no way i'm gonna do that. so i have an uneven tan and it sucks. like on thursday before the banquet i was noticing the ugly tan that i have. i was so mad. and the funny part was that the rest of the girls had ugly tans too. (its because we were all getting ready in one of the girls houses and since we were all in there i noticed the tan lines) i didn't feel so bad about it afterward but i still hate the tan.

wow! all i need is six more postings. yay! well i'll do three on sunday so i have to do three more. or is it four more? i'm not good with math. thats why some genius created calculators. okay i'm moving locations. my back still hurts. that the cool thing about laptops. you can move around. the thing is i'm limited to were i can move because of the internet. boo! well at least its something..... okay thats better. but i still wish i can go this somewere else other than the front part of the house. wait did that make sence? probably not but who really cares. so i was checking my e-mail eariler. as you can tell by my e-mail address in the right top corner, i have hello kitty e-mail. yay! well i haven't checked it in a long time so when the new updated stuff came out i was scared. well not scared just surprised. it's really cute and it's better than the last versions that they have come out with. i also noticed that i have 7230 kitty points. the kitty points are awarded for being a member for the e-mail service. they say that the points are something but i haven't seen anything happen yet. for the mean while i shall keep colecting points until i have enought to get something to happen.

i noticed that i'm not using the space fillers anymore. maybe its because i have more thing to say. or maybe because i'm typing everything that comes to my head. since i type a lot for work i can keep up with my thoughts. strange. i thought i was a slow typist. or maybe i'm just a slow thinker. sounds logical. i think i'm a slow thinker, but that's just me. i wonder who is reading all this junk? i probably have asked this many times but really? other than the teacher, who is going blog by blog reading all the nonsense? so if i were to type random words no one will realize that, and i can get away with typing word and making them look like paragraphs. all i'll do is get the word and add punctuations so it seems like if i'm actually doing my work. i shall try it. bananas television desk door, run in slow pink blue green. it looks like a sentence to me. it blends well with the paragraph. but it took me forever to think of words to put. yeah i should just stick to what i'm thinking because at least that make a bit of sence. i wonder what's in my history final? i have been to class few times. all i know is that the last thing we studied was the texas war or something about texas and how the u.s. fought for the mexican property. oh and also how the union divided and the confederecy formed which led to the civil war. yeah i might do fine in this test. all i need to learn are the dates.

omar is right. i'm a loser doing homework on a saturday. loser! but that's what procrastinators do! yay for procrastination! well i'm getting ready for finals. i'm not sure if i'll pass my history class. i hardly go to class and i'm not sure of what the test will be about. i know there was a study guide. i need to find someone that went to class that day and got it. chances are that no one got it because all of us were ditching together. yeah. i was also making a schedule of the test that i need to take. i only have to worry about three test. i don't have a final for math or band. so i'll be fine when it comes to studing. actually i only need to study for history. i need to pass that class. i don't like it. i really don't want to have to take it again. now that i think about it i'm not sure when the final for english is. i think its on monday. i'm still not sure. i'm gonna have to call stephanie and ask her. she'd probably know. unless she calls me and asks me about the test. then we're both screwed. but i trust she'd know. i'm surprised that i'm not stressed about finals. i thought i would be but somehow i'm fine. i see lots of people worring about it and i'm over here having a party. well maybe its because i have to worry about few test and i have only one big test to worry about and that's history. for university all i have to do is a presentation, which i no surprisingly haven't done. and for english is a small test, which chances are i'll be fine. so ha! to all you who have to study and have lots of finals. i know i'll have to worry sooner or later like the rest of you but for the mean while i shall relax.
Friday, December 01, 2006
i have realized that the number 21 is big. not because of the value, because well 22 is bigger. it's more of the meaning of it. more like it's because people become completely legal at the age of 21. when my friend turned 21, we made it such a big deal. it was fun. and the people i know who are turning 21 are very anxious to turn 21. i don't blame them. i would be counting down days too! well i just turned 18 in august. yes i know i'm small. it doesn't really matter to me. so i found what i want for christmas. well its actually an addition to what i want. my list is very short but very pricey. chances are that i will get one of the things on my list but still ask for all. some of the things i already want are a new car, a new phone and a digital camera (because mine was stolen). now to add to the list is the kimora lee simmons hello kitty watch with 1.6- cts. diamond-encrusted dial and pave diamond trim, .12- cts. pink sapphires and stainless steel bracelet strap. (yes that is all one item) the price is only $3,550. only, right? its such a beautiful watch and i really want it. or else there is the kimore lee simmons hello kitty pink ceramic bracelet watch with .86- cts. diamond index markers and pave diamond bezel has a mother-of-pearl dial, silver tone casing and swiss movement. (again, yes that is all one item) that one is cheaper. it's $2,900. although i ask for this i never get it, boo! and don't worry i know no one will buy me this but i still want it.

having the same post name is not so bad. it's helping me keep track of how many posts i need. i need ten more. yay! ten. i was reading some online news today an i found out that one of the wiggles quit. like most of the population i have no idea who he is and who the wiggles are. but its scary to know that a five year old kid cried when he heared the news. (true story) well in the reports it says that the guy has orthostatic intolerance (that's not a word i made up) its a disorder where the heart can't pump enough blood for daily activities. poor guy. he has to dance and sing but his heart can't handle it. well the guy quiting doesn't really impact me but my friend's little brother doesn't seem to be himself anymore. so i'm planning to get a new tatoo. or at least finish my star. some thing have not gone the way i wish they have so i'm gonna fill in my star with more stars. but these stars will be green. that i will do sometime next week or at least by next month. how exciting. next month is next year too. i can't wait till the new year comes. its a whole new beginning for everyone. hopefully this can refresh all the things i have been doing and i can start with something better. i still don't know how i'm gonna celebrate new years eve. i usually go to friend's parties but this year i want to host one. the thing is that i'm too lazy to clean up the next day. or should i say the next year. i'll probably end up with someone at some club. that's what happend last year, but it was not planned. maybe if i don't plan it, it will happen. most all best things happen without plans.

well aren't my post titles creative? i couldn't think of anything better. as i said, i'm not one to blog. well i do have another blog, but thats on myspace. and even then it's like ten words and it seems like if i'm screaming and angry....which i am most of the time. i can't even think of a name for my blog. i need to check out everyone elses blog to see their names. probably some people have some creative names. all i could think of was "crapper" and thats because i needed to go potty. well what i have is fine. i don't think the name of the blog really matters to what is in the blog. all of this talk makes me wonder, where did the word blog comes from? i mean can't we just call this a diary or journal? why blog? and who gets to decide this? is there like some sort of committee out there that makes words for online use only? hell i want to be in this committee. i'm good at making up words. when i was in anatomy i would always make up words. that was because some of the words were long with these super long suffixes and prefixes. they would confuse me and therefore i would make up words. i think i can make up some word for online use. not really since i'm not so great with computers. don't get me wrong. i know how to use them and all but i'm not one of those geeky people who know how to hack into computers and stuff. those are probably the people who make up these words. but i still ask, why blog? whats the meaning to the word? there probably is a meaning but i just don't know it.

well i'm doing pretty well with these blog things. i thought i was gonna be stuck on 10 or something before i gave up. for sure i'm not doing the verb, adverb, etc. thing we did in class. i really don't get. well i do. i'm not stupid. i just don't wanna. i othink i can find something to write about. hell, i already did for all the past posting. i seem to be doing well. but i'm on pain killers so i could just be me. ****its surprising how people can be so mean. i know i can be rude and evil but i can be humane, caring and respectful. some people are rude, careless and stupid and don't care about others fellings. well fellings don't really matter so much but sometimes it can make or break someone. it's hard to understand what i'm tring to say. there are a few people in this world that have gone or are going through what i might be going through. i have never worked as a team and now that i'm forced, it's hard. i'm really self-dependent and no one can change that. i know what i'm doing so don't worry for i, and only i, know what is going on. i think that teams take away the creativity out of things and most of the time i don't get to shine in the way that i want to. i know that this isn't the best way to think but thats how i feel. sometimes when i work in teams i do work and don't get the credit. some people usually take it and call my work as their own. i hate it when that happens and therefore i don't like to work in groups.

so i have run out of things to say. although i do much i still can write. most of the things i do are things that have a background to it or have a story behind it or have a long story to tell before actually getting to the story of the background. and some of the stories are not good, well for public viewing that is. i'm trying to keep this pg-13 now! well if you have read the things in the other blogs then you know that i have surgery. yay! go surgeons! anyway i have this scar now on my back. ewww. i'm scared for life. i need to get that cream that reduces the appearance of scars. i'm not sure of the name but i know there is one. well during the banquet my cut was hurting and my friend the paramedic was taking a look to see if it was fine. so we were in the restroom when these golddiggers (the dancers) show up. they got freaked got which was funny. ****to make the world a better place i would actually get rid of all social standings and standards. this way no one is rich or poor or stupid or smart. we'd all become equal and no one would be totally different. yes there would be those who would do crazy things and those who would be formal and those who would be layed back but in the world no one is totally the same. and this doesn't include clothes. its human nature for all of us to be different. (that includes identical twins) without the things that make us completely different then the world might be more peaceful. i would also get rid of extreme luxury. some people fight over large sums of money, although there is no true reason to do so. also some fights are between people who already have money. they don't need it, why have more?
Thursday, November 30, 2006
well i only have time for one post because i have to go to the band banquet. well i don't have to go but its fun and lately i have been really bored so this will help. as many as you know its been cold out and i'm wearing this really small dress so i have to buy a jacket. now i'm forced. and with a new jacket i have to buy new shoes and maybe a beenie and some gloves and maybe pants too. yay! i have to go shopping now! well thats makes my day. since i have to go, now is the time for the space filler. ****not to sound violent but some of my favorite games are the GTA (grand theft auto) games. they have the neatest things to do. like the character of the game can do things we can normally do. plus CJ of tommy, depending on the game, has to do missions for friends or to defend his family of himself. the missions are really neat because you have to kill mafia or gang members and as i said, i don't want to sound violent but since these things can get me in trouble if i do them in real life, it's really neat when you can do them in some way. my favorite missions are the ones where you have to do things around the law. like in GTA san andreas, the character has to help a hippy burn his pot crop before the cops show up and there's another mission were the character has to sneak into a government lab and steal an alien thing that the government is trying to hide from the public. also he has to steal a high powered tip secret jet pack. as much as everyone would like to break into the government building and steal top secret information they can't. thats why the video games are great. particularly the GTA games. (after reading: i have GTA 3, vice city, san andreas and liberty city stories. i still need the newest one which is vice city stories.)
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
well i'm half way done. and i'm tired. well i have surgery today just so that everyone and their mom knows. it was nothing major so bug off. i'm fine and all but i'm in pain. really so much. and tomorrow is the band banquet. i'm so going but with this pain i'm not sure. oh well what happens, happens. the only thing, well two things that i have to worry about is the cut with the stitches and the pain killers. i got prescribed these horse tranquilizers for pain killers. they help but i can't stay awake for more than 5 minutes after taking them. well thats my life... and now for some space filler.****the love portrayed in the song is not really real. it just depends on who it is and who is the person who feels the love. now a days, love is just a word that is thrown around. hell most guys say it to get in girl' pants and girls to make a guy fell guilty about something or to get a guy to bed. but for some people this kind of love does exist. there are people who really do love someone and they do have true fellings and do feel the way the song describes love.(after reading: i have no ideas what song it is)
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
okay last one for today. i still need! but for the mean while this will do.****(before reading: the topic was to write three words that describe me and why)crazy, stressed, and sleepycrazy: because i'm naturally crazy, anyone that knows me knows well that i'm crazy. well more like crazy psychotic or crazy lunatic or my favorite- crazy cat lady! stressed: because of all the work that i have to do and how i don't get a break. finally sleepy: since i have so much work to do i don't break. that means no break for sleep. yay! sleep deprived! its actually to the point were i can manage my day with the minimum of 3 hours of sleep. i have magical powers!(after reading: as you can tell by the writing, the sleep deprivation had me writing pointlessly.)*side note: i wrote this a while back. sadly those word still describe me up to date. but now stress is higher and sleep is less and the crazy level reached insane)

that worked well. okay here is more of the nonsense from creative writing.****(before reading: i some how remember this assignment. i had to say all the things i like while rhyming. which i hate to do because its corny.)the things i like in no specific order- reading about murder and death and love gone wrong, cymbals and the giant gong. a bowl of jell-o and people who say hello instead of hi. i like underground places and funny faces, and things that go pop! the word trust and pink fluff and shiny things. I like simpleness and complexness all at once and saying i'm someone else. i like to take care of people, as long as they take care of me. i like high expectations because it brings the best out of people. i like green tea, twinkling stars in the beautiful fall sky. i like lucky charms because i'm superstitious. i love the friday night lights and how it reflects on the shiny brass instruments around me. i like the fact that there's an inferior existence. i like people who wear glasses and not contacts. (after reading: yeah i also remember that i failed this assignment because i used the word "and" too much, said "i like" in the beginning of almost every sentence and at the end nothing rhymed.)

well as i said in the last post, i'm writing some of the things i wrote for my creative writing class when i was in high school. i don't remember what's what but here is my space filler.****what makes a good present? a present must be given with love and care and must come from the heart. only those presents are good. a present that is homemade is ususally the best ones because they made with careful planning and love and glue. a present doesn't need to pricey. just the taught of something can mean more than a price tag. a store bought present is not always bad. a taught is more to a person than the thing itself. for example, i gave my friend a miniture toilet. not the best thing to give a person but i know how much she like minitures and we always talked about crapers. so the present wasn't much of the thing. it was more of the significance of the present than the craper itself. a present shouldn't be about a name brand or a popular item. the taught of it or the planning that came with the present is the gift of it. gift cards are not true presents. they are there for people who forgot about an occation or even worse a birthday. you can never forget a birthday.
Monday, November 27, 2006
chances are that i'm not the only one that has more than 5 posts in one day. now a days its so easy to procrastinate. i'll admit i procrastinate. and most of the time i do well. sadlly i do better when i procrastiate. some of my best ideas have come from me trying to pull things together last minute. but there are those times that i need more time because theres so much to do. but i still end up doing well. like essays. i never plan or brainstorm, whatever. i edit as i go and add big works so i sound smart. works well. strangly. writing pointlessly like this reminds me of my creative writing class back in high school. i was always ahead of my credits so i was stuck taking that class. i'm tired of it. no more creative writing. actually this reminds me of this one assignment i had for that class. we had to write in this journal everyday and have someone write something on what we wrote. of course i procrastinated and i have everyone write in it. nothing made sence but there was so much writing by the time i turned it in that the teacher didn't realize the nonsence. i know i'll write some of the things that i wrote for the class. it'll make no sence but its a space filler. yay!